Mediator Calculator of strategical showing of advertising campaigns
This is program for mediaplanning department of advertising companies and from marketing departments of firms those plan to run advertising campaign. It permits to calculate main indicators of advertising campaigns in different mass media. Mediator permits to calculate follow showings:- Cover (Reach 1+) - part audience that contact at least once with advertising,
- Reach N - part of audience that contacted with advertising N times,
- Reach N+ - part audience that contact with advertising at least N times,
- Gross rating points (GRP) - accumulated rating (audience),
- CPM/CPT - cost for 1000 contacts with audience,
- CPP - cost for contacts with one percent of audience,
- Budget
- Frequency
- as well as calculate number of allocated advertising units (advertising expositions) with predefined values of showings (indicators).
- Multiple spots allowed
Now program can calculate relative as well as absolute values indicators. It may account: - loyalty of media audience
- target audience size of mass-media
You may use budget as initial data instead of size of buyed part media. You can determine budget of advertising campaign for fixed effect showing. For calculation in Mediator it is used probabilistic model with uniform distribution and combinatorial analysis. Current version 1.2 Rel.2 Build 55 from 07/05/2002 Please, visit site again to load a new version of program